sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

Adele - Don't You Remember (Live at Largo)

Querido primer beso...

No he escrito hace muchos días y aunque se supone que debería hacerlo en inglés, prefiero escribir en español.

a ti...

La verdad es que... me he acordado mucho de ti durante varios días ya, te extraño mucho y me pregunto todos los días si quizás tu también me recuerdes. Se que estas pasando muchas en tu vida, de las cuales me pierdo y aunque pensé que ya no me importaban... me doy cuenta que aun sigues siendo al único a quien besaría. Es triste saber que no he tenido tiempo para poder dejarte ir.Lo malo es que siempre estas en mi mente y corazón... ya han pasado cuatro meses en los cuales tu ya no formas parte de mi vida, pero paradojicamente formaras parte de mi alma por siempre. Hay veces en las que pienso que no se como amar y quizás fue por eso que no estas conmigo, pero pienso en lo que nos paso... y quizas nunca logramos vernos de la forma en que eramos, creamos una imagen perfecta de con quien queríamos estar y al momento de pensar que la verdadera forma de nosotros mismos agradaría al otro fue el momento en que nos comenzamos a apartar, ojala sepas que yo si te ame con toda el alma, que aun todos nuestros sueños ...los tengo ahí, en mi mente y corazón, mis ojos ahora saben que muchos de ellos jamás se cumplirán. Perdóname.... por no haberte hecho feliz como te prometí, quizás a ti ya no te interesa y te diste cuenta al igual que yo, que la persona a la que amaste... nunca tuvo claro nada de lo que quería, pero si tenia claro que tu eras lo mas lindo que le había pasado en la vida y que cada acción que hizo la realizo desde el fondo de su corazón. Yo te ame tanto...la diferencia de hoy en día es que me no me permito recordar ese amor...porque seria una egoísta si te pidiera otra oportunidad, tu mereces mucho más que yo.Y no es hacerme la victima, pero te mereces a alguien que te cuide, te apoye, pero que por sobre todo, te entregue esa paz al amar que yo nunca logre darte y que te deje amarla con cada célula del cuerpo como yo nunca te lo permití, perdóname por privarte de mi cuerpo, siempre fue tuyo...pero mis problemas mentales y emocionales no lograron que me perdonara a mi misma para poder dar ese paso contigo. Siempre recuerdo lo maravilloso que eras.y lo genial que eres.Por eso espero que en algún lugar del mundo exista un segundo como tu que me venza a mis demonios y me deje tener la oportunidad de sentirme la mujer mas afortunada nuevamente, por sostener la mano de un hombre valiente, trabajador, noble y fiel, con quien nada haya que temer, alguien como tu. Espero que mis tincadas sean verdad, porque ella se ve una persona totalmente maravillosa.Es muy linda e inteligente, pero sobre todo se nota que tiene un corazón de aquellos que te hacen querer ser amados por ella.Tu eres lo mejor... lo mejor que hay y espero que todo cree magia con la persona que estés, porque tu te mereces solo eso, dicha, bendiciones, amor... mucho amor.

Espero que un día pueda mirarte y solo ser feliz porque tu semblante me muestra que eres un hombre pleno.
Te quiero.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Summary of last couple of days

Hello to myself xD

AH! weekend....

Friday: It was a good day but I was really tired. I was at Uni during almost... xD the whole day
between classes, meetings and...chorus' performance.It was a good day.At night I shared time
with mom, talked a lot...and we watched pictures.

Saturday: Went to downtown with mom... doctor appointment, went to buy clothes, REALLY cheap xD
I got two blasers they are so damn classy :D love them. Afternoon I took a nap, a long one... then I organized all my stuff from Uni, papers and assignments...and of course I ordered my room. Studied a little bit at night, and then... I went to watch a movie with my family. Took a quick shower and ZzZZzZz.

Sunday: REALLy early study in the morning.Reading material about how to be a good teacher managing your class...am, what else? Oh yeah.. I went to have lunch with my family at The Mercado and then we went to buy a new tv , i don't think it was necessary but anyways...my dad and brother didn't care... xD.Finally we came back home....I studied a little bit and then... I just took a shower... eat something with my mum and...went to sleep.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2011



I've always thought that one of my most amazing blessings is being surrounded by JUST WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS.

Honestly I don't know how many friends do I have, but anyways I'm so happy for had met all that people.



Everybody have one of those, achieving a god job, making a lot of money, get married by next year, have a good relationship, travel to someplace someday, I have many goals, I even want to achieve some of the ones I mentioned before... but honestly... Nowadays, my mind and heart... of course my soul is focused on being a better Carolina... and most important than everything else is try to accept me just like I am. That's why I have to make a list of things that I want to achieve by the end of this year.However, I need to figured out which are the things that I love and hate most about me.So, first task... PROS AND CONS of being me.

truth is....

I REALLY like being single.

Eventhough life is hard being myself in different kinds of situtions ... I think that it is important to manage to have time for yourself... take care of the precious human being you are... maybe one day I'll be able to organize my time... to have a boyfriend ... to love him and myself.

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

That's how life is...


These last couple of week have been quite tuff... My life and dreams have been under pressure. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much do you want something... if this plan is not the same that God designed for you...there is nothing you can do.You have to understand that we can see no further than the end of my nose, and it is for the same reason that I sometime sis hard to deal with God's will.The thing is that... I'm not travelling to the states...next semester, it is heartbreaking situation for me because since I enter to the Uni... I've been working for reachinf this goal and I couldn't do it...I mean the situation at the end wasn't the best one for me in order to get the scholarship. My life has been like hell since I knew that I wouldn't have that chance next semester... I know there are people who are suffering more than I do, I really know that but... honestly I'm the only one who can tell how I worked for that... and It is so frustrating...my heart cries every night trying to understand why... why me.I'm gonna be so alone next semester 'cause all my friends are travelling... I feel like a LOSER... during my whole life I have been feeling like shit.I'm nobody.... I've never won anything...

I really hope that, someday I can tell that I'm happy with who I am.

I just wanna wake up feeling so lucky to be me.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

The reason

How can I star?

The reason why I am starting this blog are...quite a few.First of all, I 've been thinking about my linguistics competences, and I realised that I need to improve my writing skills, because I am going to be a teacher and there is a probability to travel to a new place during the next semester...and I need to be prepared because I want to get good grades in my future paper assingments...I don't want to fail.Moreover, since last summer I 've been thinking about writing a blog...since my last relationship over, which has been the only relationship that I have ever had, and I need to figure out who I am...what I need to be happy.. what I want...etc, as you can see...there has been a kind of...fussy feelings inside my head, heart, sould and mind. Finally but not least, I want evidence of my feeling and thoughts and there is nothing better than a personal blog, don't you think so?...I do... well that's obvious.As a conclusion, I am going to be writing here...hopefully  two times at week, wish me luck!.