viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

The reason

How can I star?

The reason why I am starting this blog are...quite a few.First of all, I 've been thinking about my linguistics competences, and I realised that I need to improve my writing skills, because I am going to be a teacher and there is a probability to travel to a new place during the next semester...and I need to be prepared because I want to get good grades in my future paper assingments...I don't want to fail.Moreover, since last summer I 've been thinking about writing a blog...since my last relationship over, which has been the only relationship that I have ever had, and I need to figure out who I am...what I need to be happy.. what I want...etc, as you can see...there has been a kind of...fussy feelings inside my head, heart, sould and mind. Finally but not least, I want evidence of my feeling and thoughts and there is nothing better than a personal blog, don't you think so?...I do... well that's obvious.As a conclusion, I am going to be writing here...hopefully  two times at week, wish me luck!.